Saturday, July 2, 2016

First blog post + Contest/Party!

Hey everyone! I'm excited to announce this is the first post of my blog! There is much more to come and to expect so keep an eye out. 

Now recently it's been announced that there is going to be an independence day party in Chotopia. This party will take place July 2th(Today!) and will be taking place around 5pm EST or 2pm PST

Not only is there a magnificent party going on, but also a independence day research contest. That's right, a contest in which you have to right a summary about how independence day came to be. I'll be entering that contest so should you! The contest does end however July 7th, so get to work! 

Here are some key details to know about the contest:

  •      Research and tell us a brief summary about Independence Day (you can either write about it celebrated in America and/or Canada).
  •      Some things we would like to learn from you (but not necessarily) are how it came to be, when did it start, who are some important people, where did this holiday first take place, how did it change, why/how it is celebrated today, etc..
  •      Some extra add-ins such as fun facts, eye-catching pictures, detailed notes, and over exceeding creativity/neatness will help boost your chance in being selected as a winner.
  •      You may only submit up to two entries (make sure to include your name!)
  •      You must use this template — any entry not using this format will not be judged.
  •      You must enter your submission in the comment section of this post, not elsewhere. Please only provide an imgur link!
  •      Please make sure you include factual content from liable websites(this is an informative contest!)
Credits to the main blog for providing us all these wonderful information!

Well, that's all for today fellow Chotopians! See ya around and keep an eye out for any upcoming news! 

Till the done, Au Revoir!


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